The call on a pastor’s life is a weighty and sobering responsibility that cannot afford to be fumbled given the sheer magnitude of its importance. Hebrews 13:17 describes a pastor as a watchman guarding over the individual souls entrusted to his care by the God to whom he will one day give an account. We can see by this passage and many others that a pastor’s ministry must be consumed with the hands on work of personally pouring himself out to meet the individual needs of his sheep. There is a disturbing trend today of churches defining pastoral ministry in a way that emphasizes a pastors public speaking ministry, while downplaying his personal shepherding ministry. Without shepherds doing the work they are called by God to do the sheep will be vulnerable, the church will be weakened, and the pastors will have a heavy culpability before the true Lord of the church!
This year’s Courageous Churchmen conference will address the topic “The Pastor and his Care of Souls”. We are confident it will be a riveting time of teaching, panel discussions, and fellowship together as we look at Paul’s own example of caring for the souls entrusted to his care in the book of 1 Thessalonians! For more information please watch this year’s video from Pastor Jerry Wragg.
We are also very excited to offer an expanded set of post-conference intensives this year. Those who sign up for these intensives will receive an additional day of focused, interactive teaching on strategic issues related to pastoral ministry. Participants will be able to choose their intensives from the list below.
Registration for the post-conference intensives is available in the main conference registration at an additional cost which will cover all meals for the additional day. The post-conference will end by lunchtime on Thursday.
Housing with our church families for both Courageous Churchmen and the post-conference is available on a limited basis.
pREREQUISITE: Seminary level understanding of the Greek language
Dan kreider & todd murray
Church music and corporate worship practicum 1 & 2
paul lamey
homiletics for everyone
rick holland
sin in the camp: wise shepherding through discipline & restoration
lance quinn
together we stand: cultivating true friendship with fellow pastors
careY hardy
hand to the plow: keys to pastoral endurance
brian arnold
back at the homefront: foundations of pastoral credibility
jerry wragg
living and active sermons: developing implications from the text
panel discussion with dave doran, jerry wragg, and lance quinn
the local pastor: social media, publishing, branding yourself, etc.
Free resources for you and your churchmen
Everything on our website is free to use. Feel free to download, listen, and share any of the resources on Churchmen.
Conference Media
All previous Churchmen conference audio and video sessions are available on our website.
The Churchmen Podcast is a monthly publication featuring interviews with pastors, for pastors.
Other Resources
Under other resources you’ll find links to helpful books, booklets, leadership development, and more.